Movies Review SystemSpoiler-Free Sentiment-Analysis based Movies Review System)


  • Role: Team Lead + Backend (AI/ML)

  • Vision/Goal: To provide an interface to allow users to read spoiler-free reviews along with a touch of sentiment analysis (on reviews) for a better viewing experience

  • Solution: Made use of the a Machine Learning model(sentiment analysis) using Voting Classifier(SVC+Logistic Regression) and Deep learning model(spoiler v/s non-spoiler) using Bi-LSTMs after thorough preprocessing and custom trained Word2Vec.

  • Results Successfully built the said WebApp with Streamlit as front-end. Achieved an accuracy of 91 % with precision 91 % and recall 90 %.

  • Tools: Keras, Tensorflow, Word2Vec (Word Embeddings), Bi-LSTMs, NLTK, Spacy, Streamlit, Render

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