MoviesMania (Geek-o-thon)A Reverse Search based Movies Recommendation System


  • Role: Team Lead + Backend (AI/ML)

  • Vision/Goal:To provide an interface to users to find similar movies/web-series recommendations based on an uploaded video clip/YT Short.

  • Solution: To make use of the various faces of actors in the provided clip and the details provided(title, genre, plot) for the prediction of the movie’s title (if available in the dataset) or similar movies/web series.

  • Results Prediction of movie’s title(if available in the dataset) with 78% accuracy and similar movies with 85% accuracy.

  • Tools: Keras, Tensorflow, Word2Vec (Word Embeddings), MTCNN, NLTK, Spacy, VGGFace, OpenCV, Streamlit, Render

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